Monday, August 2, 2010

Lloyd Cole & The Commotions - 1984 - 1989


Pretentious? Moi?  That was my thought when I pulled out Lloyd Cole for the first time in... a long time.  Its literary and intellectual references show just how seriously I was taking myself in 1984, when Rattlesnakes came out.  Smug in my perusal of Simone de Beauvoir and Norman Mailer, knowledgeable about Marlon Brando and Eva Marie Saint in On The Waterfront, you have to excuse me - I was only 22 and fresh out of rejecting university life because it was too insular, not real or gritty enough.

These days I can laugh at that serious young insect that I was.  And I can still enjoy these gorgeous, jangly tunes, albeit with some giggling at the drum-machine beats.  Favourite song would have to be Lost Weekend which I managed, some years ago, to enjoy at a hotel in Amsterdam.  Watching competetive wall-climbing on a coin-operated TV and putting the vodka on the windowsill (it was Christmas) to keep it cold.



The first memory that pops into my head when I hear the name Lloyd Cole & The Commotions is of Molly Meldrum banging on about them on the iconic Australian music show, Countdown.  For me, this wasn't necessarily a good thing for my relationship with this band as Molly and I have never really had the same tastes, thankfully.

But the more I heard of this band, the more I liked.  So I got Rattlesnakes, their first album, on black plastic.  I remember listening to quite a bit for a while and dragging it out occasionally after that but I have to admit, I've not listened to it much since.  I know Mine is a fan of this kind of literate, jangly indie-pop.  While I still kind of get it and enjoy some of the lyrical references (yeah, Lloyd does have a way with words), my tastes have moved quite away from this kind of sound.

Good, but not great.


For more information:

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