Thursday, September 30, 2010

September - Wrapup


This month was probably the best month of the year so far, not just because it is Spring in the southern hemisphere (and we've mentioned many times how much we don't like winter) but because we spent two weeks on holidays in our most favourite place in the world - Far North Queensland.  Away from the end of winter down south!

There is nothing like a holiday to help clear the mind and give the daily grind some perspective.  Yet we made sure our laptop came with us so we were able to maintain this blog because doing this is anything but a chore. How could listening to some really good music and getting to write about it be a chore.  If anything, I look forward to writing my bit every day.

I'm starting to realise writing a daily blog like this has really helped us define what we like about a lot of things in our life.  In trying to minimise our CD collection, we're also starting to see where we can minimise in other areas.  I'm not going to play the 'if it weren't for this blog' game right now, I'll save that for the end of the year.  But it has been very rewarding and very good for both of us.  I look forward to spending the last three months with you.  Thanks for reading so far.

I'd just like to say one more thing - thanks to Mine for sharing another wonderful holiday with me.  I had a ball and I love you lots, babe.  


Only three more months to go?  Really?  But I'm having so much FUN! And there's so much in our collection we haven't touched on yet!

This month has been one where the comments have flown freely, and we've really enjoyed responding to them.  Even when it meant taking time out of our holiday.  Which was great, by the way, if you hadn't already deduced that from the effusive comments of my beloved.

Anyway, the CD gift of choice this month goes to regular commenter Drew, whose blog you can read here.  He's got reasonably eclectic tastes so we're sending him Washington's I Believe You Liar just as soon as he sends us an address.  For the rest of you, remember if anything on our discard list is your cup of tea (while not being ours) just let us know and we'll mail them to you!